Terms and Conditions

Politica de uso

These general conditions of use of the website, together with the specific ones that may be established for the access and/or use of certain contents and/or services (for example, the investment contract), regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of the website: www.goldenfinancefx.com The access and/or use of this platform, which GOLDEN FINANCE makes available on the Internet, attributes the condition of user. The user of the platform must read and accept to use all the services and information that are provided from it. The mere access and/or use of the platform, of all or part of its contents and/or services means full acceptance without reservation of these general and specific terms and conditions of use. By accepting these conditions of use, the user states that he has read, understands and understands what is stated here and assumes all the obligations set forth herein. The general conditions will be applicable regardless of the clauses of the contract or the particular conditions, which replace, complement and/or modify this document and must be accepted by the user before the start of the contract or the provision of the service.

The access and use of the platform is free and free except for the cost of the Internet connection, connection provided by the network access provider that the user contracts and the cost that the user must bear. Certain information and/or services are exclusive to registered users. Before completing the registration, GOLDEN FINANCE recommends the user to carefully read its Privacy Policy. If the user does not accept the terms of the aforementioned Policy, they will not be able to complete the registration, so they will not be able to access the rest of the information or the possibility of investing with GOLDEN FINANCE.

Registration is completely free and without any type of commitment on the part of the user. It is only necessary to be able to access greater and more detailed information about investments and access to be able to make said investments, after signing a contract. In said registration, the user guarantees that all the information provided is true, exact, lawful, and undertakes to update it whenever changes occur. It also guarantees that you are of legal age and that you are not legally incapacitated, requirements that the user must also meet in order to access and use our platform.

The essential data to register are: Name and surnames, username, email and a password. The user is responsible for his password and its use, which is personal and non-transferable, and undertakes to use it diligently and confidentially, not being able to give it to third parties.

The user is responsible for the use of the password by third parties. GOLDEN FINANCE is free from all responsibility for the authorized or unauthorized use and loss of said password. GOLDEN FINANCE may, by properly communicating it, modify the user's password, losing validity of the previous one. The user must quickly notify GOLDEN FINANCE of any suspicion, incident, unauthorized use of their password or violation of the security of the page that they are aware of. GOLDEN FINANCE, if deemed necessary, may verify and carry out checks on the identity of the registered user, requesting additional documentation. GOLDEN FINANCE has the right to terminate any user who verifies that they have provided false information or have created more than one account.

The user has the right to access or rectify their data and/or unsubscribe (except if they have a valid investment contract) at any time and without any penalty, by sending an email to: investors@ftinversion.com. Indicating your name, surnames, the request you want to make and attaching your ID.

service policy

GF Inversión offers the possibility of being able to invest from 250usd, in projects not only available to large investors but also to users with more limited capital and thus be able to enjoy high returns, in addition to contributing to the development of the country. It allows the promoter to develop many more projects, giving it the opportunity to reduce costs and increase profitability. The platform will offer different projects developed by Fidelca or any other real estate developer, in which minority investors are invited to participate in a specific asset owned by the developer. Which will remain in the investment, in a percentage to be determined, until the end of it. This represents a guarantee for investors, as they also run their risk. Each of them has its specific conditions.

The investor will have a prior term to be able to examine all the documentation of the project, and the expected profitability. From the moment you decide on your investment, and materialize it, upon receipt of the contract (which has its specific terms and conditions, which, in case of contradiction with this document, the provisions of the Contract between the investor and the manager) sent by the manager, you will have another three business days to ratify the investment, by signing the contract. In the event that he refuses such a signature, the consigned money will be reimbursed. Likewise, the Participant must provide FIDELCA with a photocopy of their DNI or the corresponding CIF.

The investor will be able to follow his investment from the section of his virtual account, in which all his investments and movements will appear from the moment he materializes them until he withdraws them totally or partially.

The investment, which is not a goldenfinancefx loan, will participate both in the profits and, where appropriate, in the losses that may result. The maximum loss being the amount of the investment, the participant not incurring in any other liability. GF Inversión is empowered to retain, from the resulting profits and settle them on behalf of the investor, the taxes derived from the investment (AJD, IRPF,...). This type of investment/Participation Account is regulated by the Commercial Code in its articles 239 to 243.